Monday, September 21, 2015

Forming, Harmony Commune as a Missouri Nonprofit "Corporation"="Mutual Benefit"

We now have 14 acres in Missouri at Ozark County Roads 342 & 345 East side of 345. We are only 10 miles from East Wind Community, and less from the large Norfork Lake. The land is mostly trees so we need people who can help provide equipment, livestock, and labor for building. 
Join Our Sharing Community^ Forming a Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corp. 
Help us Form Our IRC 501(d) Harmony Commune Corporation,.
https:// www.   
http:// www.
Member of;  http:// www. 

Forming Our Organization As; Harmony Commune Corp. in Missouri as a Internal Revenue Code 501(d) Community; adapting the knowledge of Karl Marx's Apostles, those of Jesus, also Jedi, THOTH and Others offering Solutions for the Synthesis of Inner and Social Harmony. Our Solutions for these Purposes include; Sharing a Common Treasury for Our Livelihood of Mutual Benefit, via Agriculture, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketing, Etc.
Also for furthering the purpose of Our Perpetual Mutual Maintenance of the Corp. Entity, Entities, Person, and Persons; For Provision of Our Democratically Empowered Communal Livelihood,
Our Further Ways and Means include;
(A) Mutual Corporate Entity Maintenance:
Beneficiary/Volunteers as Members of Our Communal Mutual Aid Program shall Share a Non-Monetary Corp. Maintenance from our full Collective Industry, and Creations;- thus developing Equitable Democratic Livelihoods- With the inclusion of Referendum.
(B) Collective Regulation; Developing Simultaneously thru Delegates,-  presently listed as incorporators/officers, Subject to the Corp. By-Laws - And REFERENDUM, For Provision of Our Collective Communal Livelihood. Provision includes Logistics for our industry, and Creations for Distribution, and External Marketing.
(C) Education: Harmony Commune Corp. provides ongoing Apostolic  Education,
 and Training at Every Age, Without Prejudice.    
(D) Accounting: Fund Accounting on an Accrual Basis.

BY-LAWS: Forming IRC 501(d) Community; Harmony Commune Corp.
(A) Accounting: Maintenance Expense; The Corp. Person of Beneficiary/Volunteers is Mutual Maintenance of the Corp. Entity-Person.
(B) Membership for Harmony Commune Corp.:

Bud, Jan.15,2016

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