Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Forming; Harmony Commune Co-op

Join Our Sharing Community.^
Help us Form Our IRC 501(d) Harmony Commune, a Membership CO-OP, among the River feeders, East of Knoxville, Tennessee.
https:// www.   
http:// www.
Member of;  http:// www.    

Forming Our Organization As; Harmony Commune Co-op in Tennessee as a Internal Revenue Code 501(d) Community; adapting the knowledge of Karl Marx's Apostles, those of Jesus, and Others offering Solutions for the Synthesis of Inner and Social Harmony. Our Solutions for these Purposes include; Sharing a Common Treasury for Our Livelihood of Mutual Benefit, via Agriculture, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketing.
Also for furthering the purpose of Our Perpetual Mutual Maintenance of the Co-op Entity, Entities, Person, and Persons; For Provision of Our Democratically Empowered Communal Livelihood.
By Further Means that include;
(A) Mutual Co-op Entity Maintenance:
Beneficiary/Volunteers as Members of Our Communal Mutual Aid Program shall Share a Non-Monetary Co-op Maintenance from our full Collective Industry, and Creations;- thus developing Equitable Democratic Livelihoods- With the inclusion of Referendum.
(B) Collective Regulation; Developing Simultaneously thru Delegates,-  presently listed as incorporators/officers, Subject to the Co-op By-Laws - And REFERENDUM, For Provision of Our Collective Communal Livelihood. Provision includes Logistics for our industry, and Creations for Distribution, and External Marketing.
(C) Education: Harmony Commune Co-op provides ongoing Apostolic  Education,
 and Training at Every Age, Without Prejudice.    
(D) Accounting: Fund Accounting on an Accrual Basis.

BY-LAWS: Forming IRC 501(d) Community; Harmony Commune Co-op.
(A) Accounting: Maintenance Expense; The Co-op Person of Beneficiary/Volunteers is Mutual Maintenance of the Co-op Entity-Person.
(B) Membership for Harmony Commune Co-op:

Join Our Community.^
Help us Form Our IRC 501(d) Harmony Commune, a Membership CO-OP, among the River Feeders, East of Knoxville, Tennessee.    

Forming Our Organization As; Harmony Commune Co-op in Tennessee as a Internal Revenue Code 501(d) Community; adapting the knowledge of Karl Marx's Apostles, those of Jesus, and Others offering solutions for the Synthesis of Inner and Social Harmony. Our Solutions for these Purposes include; Sharing a Common Treasury for Our Livelihood of Mutual Benefit, via Agriculture, Logistics, Manufacturing, Marketing.
Also for furthering the purpose of Our Perpetual Mutual Maintenance of the Co-op Entity, Entities, Person, and Persons; For Provision of Our Democratically Empowered Communal Livelihood.
By Further Means that include;
(A) Mutual Co-op Entity Maintenance:
Beneficiary/Volunteers as Members of Our Communal Mutual Aid Program shall Share a Non-Monetary Co-op Maintenance from our full Collective Industry, and Creations;- thus developing Equitable Democratic Livelihoods- With the inclusion of Referendum.
(B) Collective Regulation; Developing Simultaneously thru Delegates,-  presently listed as incorporators/officers, Subject to the Co-op By-Laws - And REFERENDUM, For Provision of Our Collective Communal Livelihood. Provision includes Logistics for our industry, and Creations for Distribution, and External Marketing.
(C) Education: Harmony Commune Co-op provides ongoing Apostolic Education, and  
Training at Every Age, Without Prejudice.    
(D) Accounting: Fund Accounting on an Accrual Basis.

BY-LAWS: of Our Forming IRC 501(d) Community; Harmony Commune Co-op.
(A) Accounting: Maintenance Expense; The Co-op Person of Beneficiary/Volunteers is Mutual Maintenance of the Co-op Entity-Person.
(B) Membership for Harmony Commune Co-op:

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